Sunday, March 27, 2005

Interesting Article

I found this article through It is a very interesting take on the debate over in which order the Chronicles of Narnia should be read.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Ring Two

Last night I was suposed to go and see "Constantine" with a friend of mine named Anna. I had no particular interest in seeing Constantine, it looked theologically empty though somewhat entertaining, plus I admire Rachael Weis's acting capabilities. Rated R, I could have gotten (is that a word?) in, however they carded Anna, who is only sixteen. We had been in the process of calling other friends Joe and Josh, and possibly Joe's older brother Jason (lot's of J's....) to see if they wanted to see a movie as well. Long story short, we ended up seeing "The Ring Two" (I would infinetly have prefered "The Pacifier") With Joe, Josh, Jason, Dan, Matt (not my brother,) and Denver whose names you did not need to know but I thought it gave it a personal touch. It was fun although the movie was very bad.
I did not like the movie for several reasons. I suppose the point of the movie was to be dark and scary, but that is one reason I did not like it. I love scary movies, but not the dark horror kinds that seem to be all the rage. I prefer intense plot and the kind of scary movie that scares you with story and what you do not see, such as "Signs" and "Wait Until Dark." It was not incredibly scary except for a few intense scenes and ideas. The movie itself was rather empty of meaning, except for the importance of good motherhood; which is hard to sift out (Spolier warning) when mixed with the idea that good motherhood, in this case, included having to partially drown her son. But she was self-sacrificial and wanted to spend more time with her son and protect him.
Overall, I had more enjoyment playing Lord of The Rings Pinball before the show then I did watching the movie. But being there with my friends made it worth it.
But next time we are going to see The Pacifier.

P.S. Still no Dale.

Monday, March 14, 2005

I hate Mondays....

Dale (the same one who was, in a previous post, on my lap) has run away! When Mark and Eric left this morning he got out and when Eric chased him he ran away. We have not been able to find him but are hopeful of his returning tonight at somepoint.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Update: I have an adorable kitty on my lap!!!

When Peace Like a River...

Ah, the stress level builds as usual. I always dread going to class because I am afraid of repercussions (SP?) for my missing work and missing classes. As usual, however, I did enjoy my history class. It is those last few minutes when we are all sitting around talking, and he is looking at his grades, when the danger is that he will request an overdue assignment that I have yet to complete. Perhaps I am paranoid...
But that doesn't mean he will not ask.
Today we were given something of a fatherly lecture because of our less than AP test results. Mine was no exception since I was less prepared than I ought to have been. I do not even want to think about English right now. My only comfort is that she knows how far behind I am and yet, mercifully, still encourages me and seems to think that I can catch up.
My goal is to graduate next year. It will not be easy since I will have a full, and difficult, schedule next year plus I will need to take summer school and at least one quarter credit correspondence in order to achieve the proper amount of credits. Summer school concerns me because I am not sure when it ends. The STEP program begins on July third so I hope (though I have not much hope) that it would end before them. If I am wrong I will either not be able to do STEP or I will have to do another correspondence class. I could always put off graduation for another year; but that would be dreadful as I am already a year behind. I really want to graduate with my class, plus I really do not want to be a twenty year old when I receive my diploma.

There was much more information than needed to be posted up there, but it does feel good to write it down. If you do not (and I cannot blame you) have the patience or time to read it all, here it is in a nutshell: Stress.

The French Revolution is really quite interesting. Turns out we cannot put all the blame on Marie Antoinette for the debt of her country since not even her extravagance could drive France so deep into it's own grave... Next week we are dramatizing it in my history class. We each have assigned parts for which we write our own scripts. I am doing the adoption of the revolutionary calendar. I want to find some great cloths for period costume.

Maintaining consciousness.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Open for blogness

The blog is officially open!!! i am not entirely sure as to what this blog will consist of, but that, i supose, is the exciting part.