Tuesday, April 12, 2005

With the knowledge that it has been ages since i have posted i will post something rather pointless just to make sure the blog is still alive. I have to give a presentation on the Austro-Prussian war. I am going to have to remember to speak slowly becuase it is not as long as i had hoped it would be. This Friday we have a half day at school. I, however, will be their for two hours after we are dismissed because we begin our AP review sessions. I will still get out early, and classes will be shorter. The review should be fun because i love history and i would rather spend two hours on that than on, say, science or math. The "Pay it Forward" club at school is meeting at school early tomorrow to hand out candy, assuming someone got permission from admin. I can't find my big, green bouncy ball, which makes me sad. Has anyone ever thought about why, when describing something, you don't say the color first? For instance, i should not have said "my green, big bouncy ball." i wonder why that is? I actually read that from Tolkien at some point. he didn't understand why it was unacceptable either.
I suppose this is enough pointless rambling for one night. enjoy!


CelloChic said...

Yay, you posted! Is that the green ball of frustration that you were telling me about? Did you lose it on your walk when you had an outburst of stress and bounced the ball so hard that it landed in the pond?

CelloChic said...

Meg, I've come to conclude that you officially need some more commenters! What about friends from school, eh?

Anonymous said...

Feels good to be aliiiiiiiive!

KatzeMeg said...

I would very much like to speak Finnish but that is mainly because of the Tolkien connection. I speak a tiny bit of French, a tiny bit of Spanish, and even less Latin. How I long to be multilingual.
Ah, yes, the enlightenment. Philosophes paving the way for existentialism. Fun stuff. I saw National Treasure again yesterday. I like the movie a lot but the whole time (thanks Mr. Hockensmith, now i can't even enjoy a simple movie) thinking about the history surrounding the writing of the Declaration of Independance. Then I thought about how the American revolution affected the French revolution.
I'm way too into history.
sorry i'm rambling about history, i just had a review session so it's stuck in my mind.
Thanks for the comments! and the encouragement concerning the missions thing. i'm still praying but i've been thinking about China.

CelloChic said...

BUT MEGHAN, you don't like Asian guys!!!!!! We've been over this!!! Hahaha....I'll never let it die.
Jk, go Gladys Aylward! You can start a Reformed orphanage and I'll start a music program and together we'll have a little school! "No Te (Way) but Truth Orphanage!" How does it sound?

CelloChic said...

Te is pronounced as "Duh." Read our orphanage name again. :)