Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Joy in Life

I'm just reflecting on how God has totally changed my perspective over the last few years. when i was going through a really rough time in my life and suffered from depression, my depression was more than mental. although it is a medican condition for which i needed the help that i got, and my medication did help, it was also a spiritual condition. i had no joy in God and absoloutly no passion for life. it's crazy how God chooses to bring us through the darkest points in our lives only to bring out in us our deepest love and desire for him. it's kind of funny, i remember back then one day picking up a book on our shelf called "spiritual depression" by D. martin lloyd jones, and almost reading it. i put is back and decided i really didn't need it. it wouldn't help me. then at convention this year in a workship, i forget which one, one of the speakers mentioned it as being a really good book that helped him get through some depression. pretty crazy.


Unknown said...

I am so glad you take joy in life. I really started to take joy in life at the end of the summer. I changed a lot as well.

You really can have joy in life no matter what God brings into your life.
"All of you, is more than enough for me"

He keeps his promises and showers me with grace and love. Filling my life with blessings and meeting new great people. I never know what will happen but His grace is enough for me. I wait for doors to open and I see His soveriegnty unfolding my life as each new circumstance comes about by His power.

CelloChic said...

I think I'll consult you/interview you, Meghan, if that's alright. I started writing a song (in my head...during a class) about this subject, but I wouldn't want the lyrics to glean solely from my own experience.
Ditto on all you said. Spread the joy.

KatzeMeg said...

ah yes, *sigh* another interview. no prob babe. share the love, man, share the love. ;-)