Monday, November 14, 2005

If God can hear Jonah...

If God can hear Jonah from the belly of a fish, he can hear me from the belly of academics. ha ha, i am so clever. I am learning my dependance on God and casting all of my cares for him to carry. I have to write a short story for one of my correspondance MU classes, for which i am totally drawing a blank. I got my act results today and i got a 24, which is pretty good. i'm going to retake it (and this time study!) i need to finish my Covenant app, and work on getting some scholarships as well and other financial aid (FAFSA, here i come!) i'm feeling senioritis creep on with the second quarter. i have a lot of cleaning to do at home, especially before thanksgiving. i have to do some shopping and find my Advair perscription, since i'm out. buy hey, life is still good. :-) it'll all work out for my good and God's glory.


Matt Katzenberger said...

Good job with the ACT. Sounds like you're staying busy, but I know you can handle the work. Get lots of sleep and eat lots of candy and apples ('cause they're so freakin good for ya!) and candied apples!!!! I'm going crazy!!!!!

CelloChic said...

Good attitude, Meghan.
I didn't know you got a 24! Yay! That's great, esp. for not having studied.
Clean you room? Your car...what ever happened to your car...?
I have all of next week off, I'll come and help you clean. :)

JohnQuincyAddingMachine said...

That is really good with the ACT. Don't let all your stuff stress you out; you will get it done. Before you know it thanksgiving break will be here.

KatzeMeg said...

yay! thanksgiving!!! turkey!!! candied apples!!! matt is insane!!! but we don't have any apples sadly. though we do have bananas! eh, who needs to clean their car? just kidding, you can come over and clean it on monday, tuesday, or half of wedsnday when i am in school, Erin.

Angie said...

Meg- Yay on the ACT! I had forgotten that you had taken it, hmmm, I need to get a move on... Hey! Ready to go shopping?!
party next week Erin while we're in school...but hey, we're having Thanksgiving today in Foods class!

KatzeMeg said...

I am STOKED about shopping! i wish my food class had been first semester (took one sophmore year) because besides thanksgiving we would have gotten to participate in the gingerbread house contest. there was an adorable little church with powerdered sugar dusted on it last year....

CelloChic said...

What's w/the mondobuff picture?!
It looks like you're saying "Et tu, Brute?" while being stabbed.

CelloChic said...

thank you