Monday, April 03, 2006

The Great Blog Depression

Blogs everywhere are out of posts. They are starving. There is a serious post shortage. And the deflation of posts makes every post worth so much. :cough: the blogosphere is dry. it's like the Dustbowl of the blogs. deadness. I have to wear a scarf over my face when i get on because the posts are so old and dusty.


Angie said...

LOL!!!! Meghan excellent imagery! *completely cracking up*
I concur, much prodding has gone into effect, but still no new posts from certain members of the tribe (hint-hint Mike Erin Albert Jake Jonathan) We need some immediate CPR or else we'll be going to funerals for our dearly departed blogs.

CelloChic said...

good grief

KatzeMeg said...

what? since when is charlie brown in the blogosphere?
HA HA HA HA!!! i crack myself up.