Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Time to breathe

I'm not on the Tuck shoppe steps as of tonight. Although it would be a nice night for it...
I'm sitting at one of the tall, coffee shop like tables in the library by the hot water. Lauren and I are studying, although she isn't here this second. I'm considering refilling my tea cup, since the little that is left is cold, and it's only my first cup. I'm listening to Anberlin via my cheap, old headphones. I don't have any homework due tomorrow, so I'm just trying to relax and catch up on some things. It's odd to have a night without anything pressing actually, but nice. It's that insane last few days before the end of the semester where every paper, assignment, and test it being concentrated into the few days left of class, and everyone is just trying to get done everything they can and try to pass their classes. Many of us are also trying to fit in every last work study hour that we can, since we are behind. I doubt the bathrooms in Founders have ever been so clean...
In reference to a line in this song that I just heard (We Dreamt in Heist), I feel like I'm under the gun. Apparently I still owe the school money (money I don't have) so I need to talk to financial aid tomorrow. I'm trying to see if I can work in the week before I leave for Uganda and hoping I'll still have a job since I'm coming back later than expected. I'm also having a crazy amount of time taken up by meetings for Orientation team for next year. My Saturday is shot for that. The Saturday after that, right in the middle of finals, I am planning, along with many other students, to attend Displace Me in Nashville.
Displace Me is organized by Invisible Children, where hundreds of people will gather and sleep under cardboard tents in the city, surviving on water and crackers for the night, to bring attention (hopefully especially our governments attention) to the plight of the displaced refugees in Uganda, who are victims of the civil war in Northern Uganda. I am really looking forward to the event. It is especially exciting that just a little over a week after that event, I will be going to Uganda and spending a month in that country.
After I get back, I'll be working here for the summer, which will be amazing. I am living with my good friends Sarah, Jessica, and Lacy, in the student apartments. After that, orientation week, the new school year, and so on. Basically, I'm catching my breathe whenever I can. And I'm trying to focus on what I need to do now. Or for Friday. Such as reading Descartes.

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