Saturday, June 11, 2005

Early Morning Mayhem

Dear Sir or Ma'am,
It is now 1:16am. I"m lying here playing with an orange glow stick, and am responding to the harrassment of my friends to update my blog. I pity that they have nothing better to do than read my musings, but am deeply honored anyhow.
This lovely post is being dictated by the lovely and talented Erin, b/c I'm too lazy and tired to type.
I've been out of school for roughly two weeks now, and the sadness I had suspected to be unbearable is not as sharp as I had predicted. Um, perhaps I am still hmmmmmm, how do I phrase this, " am just out of my school mindset of finally be without stress." I am officially a senior now. Dot. End of setence. My summer has already been more busy than I thought.
Um, perhaps this too has dulled the pain of missing friends.
You can go take a shower if you want. I can smell you from here. (Erin says "YES!" Skittles [cat] "Meeeoooow.") (later guys)
well, i am sure that made for an interesting read. Erin is a very faithful dictator. wait... i mean...dictation taker (???)
i cannot believe it is already the 11th of june. i can't wait for july.
i went to st. louis this past week with my dad and i stayed with a family frien. she took me to a shakesphere in the park festival where they did an outdoor production of the tempest. it was very well done, although i have never read the play. we also went to the botanicle gardens whihc were gorgeous and extensive. there were fuzy baby ducks in the pond in the japaneese gardens. finally, we also watched the four feathers, a movie at which i balled my eyes out several times. sorry my sentances make no grammatical sense; it's one thirty in the morning. i started my two corrospondance courses today. creative writing and medieval history- for which i must now learn to properly spell the word "medieval." they are going to take a lot of time but should be qite enjoyable. i think i have rambled enough. i shall comment later... by which i mean i will p0st in one month when my friends bug me again. peace out and sola Deo gloria.

1 comment:

CelloChic said...

Meghan-we didn't harass you at all this time! You asked us to dictate your post!
We had fun!