Thursday, May 19, 2005

Why do i intentionally think about things that depress me? such as finishing high school. ok, so i am only finishing up my junior year now, but i suppose it is better to start preparing myself for it now rather than next year at this time. i am quite grateful that i have yet another year left.
i'm getting off topic... i was thinking about depressing subjects. i was just reading about a senior who had his picture taken with another guy drinking their last school milks. i am now rather emotional. i don't want it to end. i want it to last much, much longer. i know we all complain about it all the time, but in reality we cherish the tedious assignments, the gross lunches, getting our friends to carry our trays back, pulling late-nighters to finish reasearch papers, and all those school funtions like How Day and Amaizing Day. these are "the good 'ol days," that we can never have back. we can never have these days back. it's worth repeating. i'm looking forward to college; i know it is still yet to come. at the end of a church camp i know i'll be comming back next year. at the end of my senior year, i will never be able to be a high schooler again. it literally hurts to think about that. i pray to God every day that he will lead me to live every day in light of that fact. to use it to glorify and enjoy him to the best of my ability and not have any regrets when these days are gone. i want ot be able to come back, but to quote the great Tolkien- "That is not for us to decide; all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
i have one year left to live that out. i pray that i do.



CelloChic said...


Angie said...

Hey Meg
I know that you are not ready for HS to be over, but there is good reason for that. After HS life will be so open and free, maybe that doesn't really float your boat but there are so many options, so many choices, plus there is always the work you'll get from college professors :D Don't worry about the things of tomorrow just live for today (well, within reason)

KatzeMeg said...

Thanks! I guess i just have to remember that since i can't come back, God will give us all we need in HS now. to remember to use the memories and experiances to grow closer to God and for his glory and for him to shape me into the person he is forming me into.
there is my sermon for the night lol. i just attended graduation so the feelings have been refreshed. but now i am also excited about being a senior. i am a junior for two more days, officially. weirdness. any Junior traditions i should know about in order to complete in this time? if not, i guess i'll just do my best to get past finals so i can BE a senior lol.

sorry for the long post... just venting.

Angie said...

You know what is beginning to depress me? the lack of new postage! Meg, you are out of school, what better things do you have to do? LOL just teasing...but seriously POST (please!)

Angie said...

Meghan the time to post is now! This site needs some new blood before it withers away...

CelloChic said...

Yeah, I seem to remember someone saying they didn't know what to do w/their loads of time...