Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lack of postage

I am going to make a short, VERY compact summary that will probably serve as merely a quick intro for later posts concerning the various aspects of my AWSOME summer. for one, STEP, that was an unbelievably rewarding experiance. the things i learned i pray fervently i will not forget, and not only not forget, but give away. by which i mean i pray that i will put into practice all of the things God has done for me this summer through not only STEP but also convention and even a simple visit to a college. i was making a conection last night between what God is doing in my life right now and the name of the most recent CD of the group Caedmon's call. their CD is entitled "Share the Well," which they explain is related to a well ( i think in India) where two little girls sat with an empty cup, waiting for someone to fill it up for them. all day they waited and no one filled their cup.
God's incredible work in my life, and the utter joy I have been given in Him, is like that well. and it is overflowing. this is not only in my life, but in all of ours. how can we truely apreciate and make the best of this well? we have to share it. we are surrounded by dehydrated people dying for joy and grace and God has given us the great comission of sharing the well.
i shall post more later, which will God willing, include pictures. much love and until later, share the well.


CelloChic said...

You do share the well, Meghan. You're one of the most self-less people I know, and I admire your burden for sharing the good news to those who are living in a "dry and thirsty land."
I'm so glad that go got the chance to have the experiences you did this summer. I hope it only whetted you taste for the mission field abroad, or where ever God leads you.
Go for the gold, Gladys. :)

KatzeMeg said...

Thanks, Erin! (HUGS)