Tuesday, September 06, 2005

First will and testement

since i have never made a will before it didn't seem accurate to call it the last one.
in the event of my untimely demise... well, i figured it was best to have these things sorted out.
first, i leave my toothbrush and chapstick(s) to Erin.
Angela gets my kitties, assuming hers don't kill them. whatever else, just keep them away from the Grotenhuis's.
Sam, my stand up kitchen-aid mixer, goes to Mark, so that he may make many a sweet potatoe waffle with it and pick up many a lady at Covenant.
Angela also gets my movies and my Audrey Hepburn poster and purse.
Charlie inheirits Mark and Matt, except that Erin and Angela have the shared responsibility of monitering their love lives (Don't let Mark get carried away with the waffles)
Mike gets all of my CD's and the responsibilty of finding my Relient K CD.
finally, Matt can have all of my books, textbooks, and Mr. Wilbur.

Now that we have all of these things sorted out, let me know if i have overlooked anything.


CelloChic said...

Aw...how sweet (gross!) Meghan.
That's right, don't give your kitties to my family. Dad would put them in our blender...or the microwave, it depends on his mood.

Hey, can I have you leopord pants, or did you want to be buried in them w/you hands around your "Miss Meghan" sign?

Matt Katzenberger said...

listen here Erin, i've got first dibs on those leopord pants and there isn't a thing you can do about it 'cause you're back there in springfield and i'm...like i said, leopord pants belong to me.

CelloChic said...

I think you're resorting to your well known "No. NO! You're wrong!" reasoning again...didn't work for you last time.
I get the leapord pants!

Matt Katzenberger said...

No, no, you're wrong!

CelloChic said...

*nahahahaa* *sticks out tongue* "Not listening!"

Speaking of tongues, do you know how long yours is? Mike and I measured ours in Meghan's car last week. Hey, what else could we do w/a contractor tape measure?

Matt Katzenberger said...

i'm not sure...

JohnQuincyAddingMachine said...

I don't understand the comment about me and waffles?

KatzeMeg said...

remember when you were packing up and you were trying to decide whether or not to take the waffle maker, and if you did if you could take the stand up mixer? you took the hand ones instead? well, if i die, you can take the stand up. that way you will have more efficient sweet potatoe waffle making. and the best way to a girls (or anyones) heart is through the stomach, especially in college.
well David, i could leave you a band-aid or a pair of gloves for your wounded hand. yes, i think i will.
and don't fight, Matt and Erin. i do have leapord pants AND a leapord shirt.

CelloChic said...
