Sunday, May 06, 2007


Can I breathe yet?

I don't think so. Not fully.

Sitting in my temporary living quarters in Mac, I'm eating a meal of pita bread and canned chicken. I leave for Africa on Thursday. We leave here on Wednesday and stay in Atlanta for the night. qahm/ Sorry, that was me dropping my fork on the keyboard. The campus is so empty, and I feel so alone.

Nothing is like what I thought it would be. Maybe I'm just more tired than I thought I would be...
The biggest surprise is that I actually wish I could go home for a while. I'm just not sure now if I'm ready for all of this. And so much has happened. And I'm so changed.
I'm not so much homesick, as I am just tired. I miss my parents. And things feel so unsteady right now, it would be nice to be in a place that feels more secure, just for a little while. Somehow it will all be OK.

I made these decisions with prayer, and believing it to be right, to be God's will for me. Knowing He would carry me through them. The decision to work here over the summer, to not go home. The decision to go to Africa for a month. The decision to come to Covenant. To major in Community Development. I knew it would be hard. and it is. But I still know that God is carry me just as always.
Maybe I would feel better had I not failed a class. Were I more financially able to pay for this school. Basically, had I not made so many mistakes. But I'm a sinner, and I'm going to stumble on this path, just so long as the path is the one God wants me on. The cross is powerful enough to cover all of my sins. And no matter what God gives and takes away from me, it's His will, and it's because He loves me.

God will give me rest.

1 comment:

hannah said...

"for this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us..."
how profound a mystery! praying for you, meghan, that God will grant His peace and assurance. (praying that for myself as well.)