Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I think I am going to be abnormally introverted this summer (abnormal for me, anyways.)

I'm still trying to process my trip to Uganda this past month. I'm writing a lot more than I have in the past, a healthy habit born out of the trip. Journaling was probably one element that saved my sanity on the trip; that and some of the other people on the team. I'm also finding it a good outlet for expressing my post-trip thoughts and feelings, especially when there isn't anyone immediately around me who would necessarily understand those thoughts and feelings.

It was a bit of a shock for me to come back to the states, since I don't feel like I really had the chance to focus on reflecting on the trip. I haven't had the chance to go home, but came straight back to school where I'm working for the summer. Living on my own, feeding myself, working a full-time job. It's all kind of overwhelming. Plus I know life will just get crazier when school starts again, since I'm an orientation team leader for the incoming freshman class, possibly the discipleship coordinator of my hall, and will have a crazy year academically.

I'm just kind of overwhelmed right now, emotionally. I feel like I'm actually growing up. I wouldn't want to be anywhere than where I am right now, but it's a lot to take in. So I'm going to be doing a lot of thinking this summer. And praying. And fasting. And writing. And reading (on a lighter note, I am enjoying a good novel and some new music.)

I do plan on blogging about the trip more specifically, when I get my thoughts more organized.


Anonymous said...

lol, most introverts wouldn't say they will be one in an extroverted way ;) jk

KatzeMeg said...

good point. unless they figure no one reads their blog anyways, so it's pretty much like not saying it. :-)