Thursday, December 29, 2005

Day hike at Hemmed In Hallow (part II)

Erin perched on the rocks at the campsite, overlooking the water.
Another picture at the Hallow.
Another picture of us lost. (sorry the chronology of these pictures is a little messed up)
At the campsite. Denver, our inspirational military leader.
Matt, Denver, and Charlie on the rocks.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Day hike at Hemmed In Hallow

Yesterday Matt, Denver, Charlie, Erin, and myself went for a day hike at Hemmed In Hallow. Here are some pictures of our trek.

We got lost trying to find the place, very lost. this is Denver going to ask directions from the visiters center.

This is the hallow. It is awsome. it's a waterfall at other times of the year, although now it is just a continuous trickle. it's do incredible to watch the water fall.
More of the hallow.
Looking up from in the hallow.
Erin in the hallow.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Crunch Time

In more than one way. naturally it's the end of semester-time to get everything turned in-send in all applications-time to finish up MU classes academic crunch time. it's also time to start doing some crunches because the egg-nog, cookies, cany canes, and all other seasonal delights plus the cold weather's keeping me from exercise can't be good for me.
To echo Matt's recent post, i can't believe it's almost the end of the semester. pretty soon i will have only one semester of high school left. ever. and then the summer. and then off to college. wow. it's so fast, even though it took forever to get here. it's a little paradox in itself that way.
by the way, i just sculpted a potatoe snowman for ceramics. it's pretty cool.

Monday, November 14, 2005

If God can hear Jonah...

If God can hear Jonah from the belly of a fish, he can hear me from the belly of academics. ha ha, i am so clever. I am learning my dependance on God and casting all of my cares for him to carry. I have to write a short story for one of my correspondance MU classes, for which i am totally drawing a blank. I got my act results today and i got a 24, which is pretty good. i'm going to retake it (and this time study!) i need to finish my Covenant app, and work on getting some scholarships as well and other financial aid (FAFSA, here i come!) i'm feeling senioritis creep on with the second quarter. i have a lot of cleaning to do at home, especially before thanksgiving. i have to do some shopping and find my Advair perscription, since i'm out. buy hey, life is still good. :-) it'll all work out for my good and God's glory.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Some STEP pictures

here are a few pictures from when i went on STEP this summer in Chino California.

watching John Piper's don't waste your life DVD in the youth room
Discipleship training with Pastor Sawtelle
volenteering at His Nesting Place
on the way from the airport on the first day, in the most rockin vehicle ever. a '70 something station wagon. banana yellow with interior molding. seriously, this thing gives the Grotenhuis's van a run for the money. it rocks so much.
with the O'Neil's on the 4th of july.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Agrivation and rest

I'm home sick today. the first full day of it; i'd taken off a total of two blocks for the enitre year. none of it has been because of fatigue, thank God. although i have been really tired, it because i have this reoccuring cold. it keeps coming back, although weaker every time, like the axe murderer in a series of cheesy horror films. hey, cool analogy, i should use that in English. but yeah, i got up this morning and felt not so good, my mouth was all gunky and my nose stuffy. after i brushed my teeth i got n my knees by my bed and prayed about whether or not i should stay home from school.
i decided that if i didn't take today off, when i wasn't doing too much in my classes (except i have to finish up and history test, but that wont take long) i might miss more later, or on more important days.
i hate missing school. i really hate it. but hey, maybe God is showing me that i am not yet invincible. just because i'm not over chronic fatigue doesn't mean it's going to be a breeze form here on out.

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Under the last minute coercment of a girl in my history class, i went to homecoming on friday night. the theme was "pure imagination" from willy wonka and the chocolate factory. the tickets were shiny golden tickets, which was cool. they also had graphic dance regulations on the back which was... interesting. I went with a group of 8, including me. i didn't know anyone in our group except for the girl in my hisotry class, with whom i'm not great friends anyways. we ate at Hinode, a japaneese steak house. the chef was nice and funny (they make the food in front of you, at your table) and food food was incredibly good. i'm drooling just thinking about it. i kept spilling fried rice all over my dress, which was rather funny. overall, i didn't like my group all that much. not to sound mean or snobby, because they were really nice. but they spent most of dinner complaining about people they didn't like, basically gossip. i was pretty quiet during dinner, piping up every now and then when they would mention movies or something like that. once we got to the dance i ran into a few friends of mine, and while my group went into the dance floor (they didn't abandon me, i kind of drifted away from them by choice, and they didn't seem offended,) i hung out with people from FCA. i spent the rest of the evening with that group, and had a good time, and didn't see my original group again until the end of the dance.
as far as dancing goes, my new group and i pretty much had the same ideas- the robot, disco, and some random cool moves we would do on the outside fringe when the mood struck us. it was fun. i didn't have to see too much of the nasty stuff since most of that was in the middle of the dance mosh pit.
my original group went to see the corpse bride after the dance; i went to a friends house instead where a couple of people were hanging out. we thought about watching a movie but decided we were all too tired and went home.

moral of the story: dances can be fun, but only when you go with your friends. oh, and i had a cool teal dress. the only pictures i have are of me at home in my dress, which i will try to post some time.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Joy in Life

I'm just reflecting on how God has totally changed my perspective over the last few years. when i was going through a really rough time in my life and suffered from depression, my depression was more than mental. although it is a medican condition for which i needed the help that i got, and my medication did help, it was also a spiritual condition. i had no joy in God and absoloutly no passion for life. it's crazy how God chooses to bring us through the darkest points in our lives only to bring out in us our deepest love and desire for him. it's kind of funny, i remember back then one day picking up a book on our shelf called "spiritual depression" by D. martin lloyd jones, and almost reading it. i put is back and decided i really didn't need it. it wouldn't help me. then at convention this year in a workship, i forget which one, one of the speakers mentioned it as being a really good book that helped him get through some depression. pretty crazy.

Monday, September 19, 2005

just a little of whats going on

I am getting a bit sick. i wanted to come home today after first block but i stuck through it and felt better as the day went on. so i'm very glad i didn't miss. i'm not going to miss tomorrow either. i just wont be very pleasent for my first two blocks :-P our walk for life team really needs to raise more money. i guess i'm sort of in charge of that. got my senior head shots taken this afternoon. signed up for the ACT in october. history test on friday or monday. chem test on friday. glazed in ceramics. aparently there will be another relient k concert sometime in october. i want to go. need to do some homework. cool convention pictures on rys website. i miss convention. can't wait for next year's.
Everyone go to see you at the pole on wed!!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

First will and testement

since i have never made a will before it didn't seem accurate to call it the last one.
in the event of my untimely demise... well, i figured it was best to have these things sorted out.
first, i leave my toothbrush and chapstick(s) to Erin.
Angela gets my kitties, assuming hers don't kill them. whatever else, just keep them away from the Grotenhuis's.
Sam, my stand up kitchen-aid mixer, goes to Mark, so that he may make many a sweet potatoe waffle with it and pick up many a lady at Covenant.
Angela also gets my movies and my Audrey Hepburn poster and purse.
Charlie inheirits Mark and Matt, except that Erin and Angela have the shared responsibility of monitering their love lives (Don't let Mark get carried away with the waffles)
Mike gets all of my CD's and the responsibilty of finding my Relient K CD.
finally, Matt can have all of my books, textbooks, and Mr. Wilbur.

Now that we have all of these things sorted out, let me know if i have overlooked anything.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Looking back

Looking back at the road so far
The journey’s left its share of scars
Mostly from leaving the narrow and straight
Looking back it’s clear to me
That a man is more than the sum of his deeds
And how you’ve made good of this mess I’ve made
Is a profound mystery
Looking back you know
You had to bring me through
All that I was so afraid of
Though I questioned the sky,
now I see why
I had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view
Looking back I see the lead of love
Looking back I can finally see
How failures bring humility
(I’d rather have wisdom and pain)
Brings me to my knees
(Than be a comfortable old fool)
Helps me see my need for Thee
Looking back you know
You had to bring me through
All that I was so afraid of
Though I questioned the sky,
now I see why
I had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view
Looking back I see the lead of love
These are the lyrics for Caedmons Call's song Lead of Love. I heard this song for the first time recently and, like Jars of Clay's Love Song for a Savior (which is a whole entry in itself,) this song is a piercingly accurate representation of my life over the last couple of years. people who know me know some of the struggles i have gone through since starting high school. now, looking back, i am starting to see God's wonderful plan unfolding in my life in ways that could never have been part of my own design. The line that especially reaches me is in bold; "I had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view." if God had not brought me through all of the struggles in my life, and did not still, i would not be nearly as close to him. and through my struggles He is strengthening my faith, to know that He is preparing me for His service and to bring Him more and more glory in my life. I now have a joy in Him that could only be a result of, among other things, seeing His handiwork in my life. Now i want to boast in my trials, if only that others might see His grace working in me. Like Jars of Clay sings in their song Art in Me,
In your picture book I'm trying hard to see
Turning endless pages of this tragedy
Sculpting every move you compose a symphony
You plead to everyone, "see the art in me"
It is also ironic that the song would speak of seeing the mountain view, since, God willing, after the struggle of getting through high school i will go to Covenant College, which is situated on a mountain.
My "mountain view," to be seen in God's time, after walking many rocks

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lack of postage

I am going to make a short, VERY compact summary that will probably serve as merely a quick intro for later posts concerning the various aspects of my AWSOME summer. for one, STEP, that was an unbelievably rewarding experiance. the things i learned i pray fervently i will not forget, and not only not forget, but give away. by which i mean i pray that i will put into practice all of the things God has done for me this summer through not only STEP but also convention and even a simple visit to a college. i was making a conection last night between what God is doing in my life right now and the name of the most recent CD of the group Caedmon's call. their CD is entitled "Share the Well," which they explain is related to a well ( i think in India) where two little girls sat with an empty cup, waiting for someone to fill it up for them. all day they waited and no one filled their cup.
God's incredible work in my life, and the utter joy I have been given in Him, is like that well. and it is overflowing. this is not only in my life, but in all of ours. how can we truely apreciate and make the best of this well? we have to share it. we are surrounded by dehydrated people dying for joy and grace and God has given us the great comission of sharing the well.
i shall post more later, which will God willing, include pictures. much love and until later, share the well.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I wish they all could be California girls....

"Shouldn't you be in California?" my brother keeps teasing me. Well, soon i shall. on saturday i shall be leaving for Chino, California where i will be participating in the reformed youth servcies STEP (Summer Teen Evangelism Program.) there will be four other girls- who i do not yet know- from other parts of the country. i am a little nervous about not knowing anyone, but i am freakishly excited as well. the two weeks are packed with awsome stuff; sidewalk counseling outside an abortion clinic, disneyland, volunteering at the L.A. Mission, Huntington Beach, Discipleship training, Six flags, volenteering at His Nesting Place (a women's shelter,) teaching fifth, six, and seventh graders for the VBS program. WEEEEEEEE!!! busy, BUSY two weeks right there.
so pray for me whilst i am away- specifically that i do not become totally run down with exaustion. plus i will have one week to rest from that before RYS convention. i feel like these last few days of June are the deep breath before the plunge of July. i have quite a bit to do before i leave; finish packing, clean room, pack in as much schoolwork as possible (i'm doing corrospondance courses and i wont be taking them with me,) and other preperatory things. i'm grateful to be leaving from here rather than make the three hour trip to a big airport like KC.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Early Morning Mayhem

Dear Sir or Ma'am,
It is now 1:16am. I"m lying here playing with an orange glow stick, and am responding to the harrassment of my friends to update my blog. I pity that they have nothing better to do than read my musings, but am deeply honored anyhow.
This lovely post is being dictated by the lovely and talented Erin, b/c I'm too lazy and tired to type.
I've been out of school for roughly two weeks now, and the sadness I had suspected to be unbearable is not as sharp as I had predicted. Um, perhaps I am still hmmmmmm, how do I phrase this, " am just out of my school mindset of finally be without stress." I am officially a senior now. Dot. End of setence. My summer has already been more busy than I thought.
Um, perhaps this too has dulled the pain of missing friends.
You can go take a shower if you want. I can smell you from here. (Erin says "YES!" Skittles [cat] "Meeeoooow.") (later guys)
well, i am sure that made for an interesting read. Erin is a very faithful dictator. wait... i mean...dictation taker (???)
i cannot believe it is already the 11th of june. i can't wait for july.
i went to st. louis this past week with my dad and i stayed with a family frien. she took me to a shakesphere in the park festival where they did an outdoor production of the tempest. it was very well done, although i have never read the play. we also went to the botanicle gardens whihc were gorgeous and extensive. there were fuzy baby ducks in the pond in the japaneese gardens. finally, we also watched the four feathers, a movie at which i balled my eyes out several times. sorry my sentances make no grammatical sense; it's one thirty in the morning. i started my two corrospondance courses today. creative writing and medieval history- for which i must now learn to properly spell the word "medieval." they are going to take a lot of time but should be qite enjoyable. i think i have rambled enough. i shall comment later... by which i mean i will p0st in one month when my friends bug me again. peace out and sola Deo gloria.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Why do i intentionally think about things that depress me? such as finishing high school. ok, so i am only finishing up my junior year now, but i suppose it is better to start preparing myself for it now rather than next year at this time. i am quite grateful that i have yet another year left.
i'm getting off topic... i was thinking about depressing subjects. i was just reading about a senior who had his picture taken with another guy drinking their last school milks. i am now rather emotional. i don't want it to end. i want it to last much, much longer. i know we all complain about it all the time, but in reality we cherish the tedious assignments, the gross lunches, getting our friends to carry our trays back, pulling late-nighters to finish reasearch papers, and all those school funtions like How Day and Amaizing Day. these are "the good 'ol days," that we can never have back. we can never have these days back. it's worth repeating. i'm looking forward to college; i know it is still yet to come. at the end of a church camp i know i'll be comming back next year. at the end of my senior year, i will never be able to be a high schooler again. it literally hurts to think about that. i pray to God every day that he will lead me to live every day in light of that fact. to use it to glorify and enjoy him to the best of my ability and not have any regrets when these days are gone. i want ot be able to come back, but to quote the great Tolkien- "That is not for us to decide; all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
i have one year left to live that out. i pray that i do.


Monday, May 16, 2005

please ignore this post, i do not have a working printer so i am having to post my paper here in order to print it elsewhere

Meghan Katzenberger

English III Honors

Mrs. Hill

May 17 2005
The Refining River
The current beat upon the wooden raft, cooling the hot, dry feet of its passengers. At home on the river, the pair of runaways eased back and ate “some corn-dodgers and buttermilk, and pork and cabbage and greens- there aint nothing in the world so good when it’s cooked right” (Twain 116). Neither of the oddly matched companions could have been prepared for the conflicts they would face that would refine their characters like fire purifies blown glass. In his book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain uses the conflicts in the story to bring out and shape the characters of Huck and Jim.
At the beginning of the story Huck was irresponsible and unconcerned with the troubles of others. But as the story progresses Huck matures as a result of the conflicts he encounters. David E.E. Sloane observes that “the story traces Huck’s initiation from boyhood into maturity as a humane individual” (111). One conflict that causes Huck to mature is the feud between the Grangerfords and Shepherdsons. This feud results in a gunfight because of Sophia Grangerford and Harney Shepherdson eloping. After witnessing the massacre, which results in the death of his friend Buck, Huck feels a certain responsibility for what happened. He feels guilt because he could have interpreted a note that was exchanged between Sophia and Harney, revealing their intentions. His conviction is
Katzenberger 2
demonstrated when he says “I reckon I was to blame, somehow” (Twain 115). Huck feels that if he had turned Miss Sophia in before she ran away and got married, no one would have been killed. The fact that he could have prevented this tragedy gives him a sense a responsibility that he should have prevented it.
Following Huck’s experience with the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons, he comes into contact with another interesting conflict. Upon Huck and Jim’s adventures involving the duke and the king, Huck replaces his naivety with knowledge of human nature. The conflicts between the “royalty” and the people they deceive cause Huck to see the true nature of his companions: these men were wicked liars. After the king tricks a group of people into believing a recently deceased man was his brother and receiving their condolences and pity Huck’s reaction was that “it was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race” (Twain 162). Huck sees the king and duke for what they are: frauds. He learns to not be as trusting toward the human race knowing to what lengths men will go for money, no matter what it takes.
Learning that not all men are good natured brings out in Huck a deeper awareness of those characters that are good natured, such as Jim. The conflict of Huck against loneliness brings out in Huck an appreciation for the friendship of Jim. Huck has always been out of place, whether it be with Miss Watson who tries to “sivilize” him, or with his Pap who abuses him. Before he runs away Huck “significantly feels ‘lonesome,’” until meeting up with Jim, because “with Jim he is no longer "lonesome’”(Cummings 1). “Huck and Jim’s escape encompasses a variety of adventures and discussions that deepen and enrich Huck’s understanding and appreciation of Jim” (Sloane 111). Throughout the story he sees how Jim has taken care of him and how in some ways Jim takes the role of a father for Huck: caring for him in a way that his real father never did and selflessly putting his well-being above his own. After the horrifying massacre between the Grangerfords and the Shephersons, Huck, frantic and scared, hears Jim call out to him from the raft and “nothing ever sounded so good before. I run along the bank a piece and got aboard, and Jim he grabbed me and hugged me, he was so glad to see me” (Twain 115). Huck realizes what a blessing Jim’s company and loyalty are. He begins to see that it is not only Jim who benefits from Huck’s friendship, but that Huck also is cared for by Jim and needs his company. With this realization Huck recognizes Jim’s humanity and, as declares “Themes and Construction: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” “He turns his back forever on society’s ethics and decides he’d rather ‘go to hell’ than turn his back on Jim” (1). Huck gets the opportunity to develop a relationship with Jim as a companion and a friend rather then as a slave, as he had been raised to view him.
Unlike Huck, Jim does not change through the conflicts of the story. Rather, the conflicts he faces reveal that “his character is ultimately very strong” (Sloane 112). A reoccurring conflict in the story is that of nature against man. By this conflict we see the unselfishness of Jim when Huck has to keep watch from the raft during a storm on the river when in the company of the King and the Duke. By the third watch Huck “was pretty sleepy by that time, so Jim he said he would stand the first half of it for [him,] he was always mighty good that way, Jim was” (Twain 127). Jim looks out for the well being of Huck, even when it costs him his own comfort or safety. In the face of conflicting weather and weariness Jim’s concern for others above himself is revealed in his sacrificial actions.
Nature is not the only opposing force that shows Jim’s true nature; even when faced with the conflict he has with society Jim risks his own safety for the sake of watching over Huck. After their raft is destroyed Jim and Huck are forced
to separate and swim to safety. Huck finds out later that Jim “swum along behind [him] that night, and he heard me yell every time” (Twain 111). By keeping near Huck, Jim was risking capture, yet his loyalty to Huck caused him to take that risk. It is not only Huck’s physical well being that is aided by the presence of Jim. Mark Twain uses Jim, “by his presence, his personality, his actions, his words, to call forth from Huckleberry Finn a depth of tenderness and moral strength that could not otherwise have been fully and convincingly revealed to the reader”(Brownell 1). Jim protects Huck from harm throughout the story and, unknowingly though it may be, helps to mature and sharpen his character.
The conflict of a man versus society returns when Jim is finally captured and jailed. This time the conflict reveals Jim’s long-suffering and patience when faced with difficult circumstances. Jim, “a model of patience…embodying a fundamental decency that is denied by the social characterizations of him” (Sloane 112), endures abuse from his captors without betraying Huck or complaining. During this time “Jim never said nothing, and he never let on to know me” (Twain 284). Jim is a strong and patient character who does not become overwhelmed by circumstances. He puts Huck’s safety above himself, knowing that is Huck was found out to have helped a runaway slave he would be in serious trouble. Jim is a static character in that, rather than changing throughout the story, his character is merely revealed as we see him endure conflict and injustice.
The characters of Huck and Jim are brought out and shaped by the conflicts in Huck Finn. In his story Mark Twain shows us how trials purify and refine our characters. Letting the cool waters of the Mississippi wash their feet, Huck and Jim don’t know of the tests that await them on their journey. None of us do, but we can take our example from Huck and Jim and just take each day as it comes to us.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Long time no blog

I gave one of our cats (the little one) a bath yesterday. Her coat is now softer and fluffier- plus she now smells good. she did not like the bath very much but she does not apear angry at me. I am very excited because my class ring came today!!! :D It is so pretty! Two weeks to go. I confess that i, once again, feel a certain sense of sadness at the end of the year. I like school. I'll be happy to have the break, don't get me wrong. but i am going to miss it all the same. not that i go around school proclaiming this...i would rather go through summer break with all my limbs attached. we get our yearbooks on monday, which is always fun. it is only starting to feel vaguely like the end of school, however. i am in the process of writing a research paper for English and am working on a collage thingy for history. it's on Gandhi. i spelled his name wrong on the poster so we had to cover it up with a picture.
I recently picked up the book The Enemy Within by Kris Lunguard that i hadn't read in a long time and in fact never finished. i would definatly reccomend it. it's about the power and defeat of sin. i am really looking forward to the STEP program in July. i hope to learn a lot from it. and to be a blessing to the Chino URC.
This picture demonstrates my studiousness.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Thoughts floating about the blogosphere

Props to George Washington Carver, inventor of peanut butter and 324 other products from peanuts, ''108 applications for sweet potatoes, and 75 products derived from pecans." And do't forget his contributions with the soybean.
Carver was a Godly man with a deep apreciation for God's creation:
"I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting system, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in."
Two more of my favorite quotes from him are:
"Learn to do common things uncommonly well; we must always keep in mind that anything that helps fill a dinner pail is valuble."
"It is not the stlye of clothes one wears, neither the kind of automobiles one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These things mean nothing. It is simply service that measures success."
So thanks to you Mr. Carver, for all you gave.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

With the knowledge that it has been ages since i have posted i will post something rather pointless just to make sure the blog is still alive. I have to give a presentation on the Austro-Prussian war. I am going to have to remember to speak slowly becuase it is not as long as i had hoped it would be. This Friday we have a half day at school. I, however, will be their for two hours after we are dismissed because we begin our AP review sessions. I will still get out early, and classes will be shorter. The review should be fun because i love history and i would rather spend two hours on that than on, say, science or math. The "Pay it Forward" club at school is meeting at school early tomorrow to hand out candy, assuming someone got permission from admin. I can't find my big, green bouncy ball, which makes me sad. Has anyone ever thought about why, when describing something, you don't say the color first? For instance, i should not have said "my green, big bouncy ball." i wonder why that is? I actually read that from Tolkien at some point. he didn't understand why it was unacceptable either.
I suppose this is enough pointless rambling for one night. enjoy!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Interesting Article

I found this article through It is a very interesting take on the debate over in which order the Chronicles of Narnia should be read.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Ring Two

Last night I was suposed to go and see "Constantine" with a friend of mine named Anna. I had no particular interest in seeing Constantine, it looked theologically empty though somewhat entertaining, plus I admire Rachael Weis's acting capabilities. Rated R, I could have gotten (is that a word?) in, however they carded Anna, who is only sixteen. We had been in the process of calling other friends Joe and Josh, and possibly Joe's older brother Jason (lot's of J's....) to see if they wanted to see a movie as well. Long story short, we ended up seeing "The Ring Two" (I would infinetly have prefered "The Pacifier") With Joe, Josh, Jason, Dan, Matt (not my brother,) and Denver whose names you did not need to know but I thought it gave it a personal touch. It was fun although the movie was very bad.
I did not like the movie for several reasons. I suppose the point of the movie was to be dark and scary, but that is one reason I did not like it. I love scary movies, but not the dark horror kinds that seem to be all the rage. I prefer intense plot and the kind of scary movie that scares you with story and what you do not see, such as "Signs" and "Wait Until Dark." It was not incredibly scary except for a few intense scenes and ideas. The movie itself was rather empty of meaning, except for the importance of good motherhood; which is hard to sift out (Spolier warning) when mixed with the idea that good motherhood, in this case, included having to partially drown her son. But she was self-sacrificial and wanted to spend more time with her son and protect him.
Overall, I had more enjoyment playing Lord of The Rings Pinball before the show then I did watching the movie. But being there with my friends made it worth it.
But next time we are going to see The Pacifier.

P.S. Still no Dale.

Monday, March 14, 2005

I hate Mondays....

Dale (the same one who was, in a previous post, on my lap) has run away! When Mark and Eric left this morning he got out and when Eric chased him he ran away. We have not been able to find him but are hopeful of his returning tonight at somepoint.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Update: I have an adorable kitty on my lap!!!

When Peace Like a River...

Ah, the stress level builds as usual. I always dread going to class because I am afraid of repercussions (SP?) for my missing work and missing classes. As usual, however, I did enjoy my history class. It is those last few minutes when we are all sitting around talking, and he is looking at his grades, when the danger is that he will request an overdue assignment that I have yet to complete. Perhaps I am paranoid...
But that doesn't mean he will not ask.
Today we were given something of a fatherly lecture because of our less than AP test results. Mine was no exception since I was less prepared than I ought to have been. I do not even want to think about English right now. My only comfort is that she knows how far behind I am and yet, mercifully, still encourages me and seems to think that I can catch up.
My goal is to graduate next year. It will not be easy since I will have a full, and difficult, schedule next year plus I will need to take summer school and at least one quarter credit correspondence in order to achieve the proper amount of credits. Summer school concerns me because I am not sure when it ends. The STEP program begins on July third so I hope (though I have not much hope) that it would end before them. If I am wrong I will either not be able to do STEP or I will have to do another correspondence class. I could always put off graduation for another year; but that would be dreadful as I am already a year behind. I really want to graduate with my class, plus I really do not want to be a twenty year old when I receive my diploma.

There was much more information than needed to be posted up there, but it does feel good to write it down. If you do not (and I cannot blame you) have the patience or time to read it all, here it is in a nutshell: Stress.

The French Revolution is really quite interesting. Turns out we cannot put all the blame on Marie Antoinette for the debt of her country since not even her extravagance could drive France so deep into it's own grave... Next week we are dramatizing it in my history class. We each have assigned parts for which we write our own scripts. I am doing the adoption of the revolutionary calendar. I want to find some great cloths for period costume.

Maintaining consciousness.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Open for blogness

The blog is officially open!!! i am not entirely sure as to what this blog will consist of, but that, i supose, is the exciting part.